What do you do on the weekends? Do you sleep in or get up early to hit the best bargains at your local garage sales? Do you go out to a mid morning breakfast or pack up the family for a fun day out? Are you out the door looking for the nearest coffee shop or getting dressed up for Sunday worship services?
When I was growing up, we would sleep in a little, get our chores done and then I loved to watch the sports shows on TV while my dad read the paper and drank his morning cup of coffee. My mom would always make us a hot breakfast to start our day. We were not tied to the house doing chores or projects for too long, as my parents allowed us to go and play with friends or go to a movie or swimming or just hang out around the house, It was a fun and relaxing time in my childhood, with not much stress at all. Sundays at my house were for real relaxation and reading the Sunday paper and especially the funnies was always something we looked forward to or as we called it, our lazy day.
My husband on the other hand, was required to get up early and start his daily chores right after breakfast. His family worked around the house all day Saturday until late afternoon and sometimes into the evening. Friends were rarely part of the equation on Saturdays. When Sunday mornings came around, his family would get all cleaned up and go off to church. After church, a big family dinner was prepared and served. Saturdays were work days and Sundays were the Sabbath and no work was ever performed on Sundays. My husband dreaded Saturdays as they rarely were able to hang out with friends and play.
After marrying, we decided to split the difference in how we would spend our weekends. We would sleep in a little bit past our normal weekday time and then would get the house cleaned up by around noon and then everyone was allowed to spend time doing their favorite activities. Sometimes these activities would be within the family and some outside of the family, but we let the children have some freedom. After all, they worked hard all week at school and deserved a break too.. On Sundays we would also take our children to church and have a nice family dinner afterward. Then off to visit relatives or friends after dinner was the norm at our home. We loved going to see cousins so the children could play and have a good time and the adults could enjoy the day visiting and catching up.
Since the children are grown, my husband and I typically go out to breakfast on Saturday morning and then head back home for just a few chores (we have a part time housekeeper) and I head off to go shopping and run errands and I might get a pedicure and such, with my husband at home watching his favorite sports programs. We usually like to catch a movie or two each week if we have time. We love to go to movies to unwind and get away from it all. On Sundays, we visit our elderly parents and grandparents and take care of their needs, and we try to get to church when we can. Sunday's are kind of a low key day for us, filled with relaxation and laziness trying to take away some of the stresses of the work week. It usually works well for us.
What ever way you choose to spend your weekends, remember to enjoy your time with your family and friends. Don't let the time pass you by without adding a few pleasant lazy days in the mix.
Just an everyday average woman sharing her thoughts and insights into marriage and family. I'm not an authority by any means, but have been married successfully for over 30 years. Here's what I know!!
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