I have been contemplating my childhood recently.
My 31 year old so recently said to me; "I know you're turning 50, but is seems that as you're getting older, I'm getting closer. 32 (which is coming soon for him) seems much closer to 50 than 12 did to 32".
It seems like life is moving so fast and I can't seem to get a handle on the time. It seems like yesterday when I was in high school hanging with my friends, working on the school plays with the drama club. Life was so simple back then. I remember worrying about the dumbest things that seemed so important back then. Like, the boys and why didn't they ask me out, the best ways to crease my jeans, how to wear my hair the next day, why that friend was acting so rude, and why were my parents were always in my face. Oh what trivial things I had to worry about.
My kids are all grown up now and they are beginning to realize how important time really is. Time is the one thing in life we can never ever get back, as its seems to flee with every turn.
So, what I would like to express to everyone out there is to take time in your life to enjoy your family and loved ones. Don't stress over things that you have no control over. Don't forget to tell those who are important to you, that they are important to you.
Slow down your life and ENJOY!
Just an everyday average woman sharing her thoughts and insights into marriage and family. I'm not an authority by any means, but have been married successfully for over 30 years. Here's what I know!!
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