I have been contemplating my childhood recently.
My 31 year old so recently said to me; "I know you're turning 50, but is seems that as you're getting older, I'm getting closer. 32 (which is coming soon for him) seems much closer to 50 than 12 did to 32".
It seems like life is moving so fast and I can't seem to get a handle on the time. It seems like yesterday when I was in high school hanging with my friends, working on the school plays with the drama club. Life was so simple back then. I remember worrying about the dumbest things that seemed so important back then. Like, the boys and why didn't they ask me out, the best ways to crease my jeans, how to wear my hair the next day, why that friend was acting so rude, and why were my parents were always in my face. Oh what trivial things I had to worry about.
My kids are all grown up now and they are beginning to realize how important time really is. Time is the one thing in life we can never ever get back, as its seems to flee with every turn.
So, what I would like to express to everyone out there is to take time in your life to enjoy your family and loved ones. Don't stress over things that you have no control over. Don't forget to tell those who are important to you, that they are important to you.
Slow down your life and ENJOY!
Just an everyday average woman sharing her thoughts and insights into marriage and family. I'm not an authority by any means, but have been married successfully for over 30 years. Here's what I know!!
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Friday, August 5, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Scary Night
The Story:
My husband left for work at 4 am to drive to Elko Nevada where there were problems with one of his commuter trains. The train was stuck out in the middle of nowhere and there were passengers on the train that needed immediate assistance. My husband, being the on call, drove from our home to somehwere in the desert by Elko Nevada. He tried to drive through the desert to get to the diabled train with not much luck. So, he walked in over 2 miles in and out and through the muddy terrain. It had been snowing that spring day and so the ground was thick with mud which made every step more difficult. He made it in to the disabled train and took care of the crew and the passengers. He then had to trek back out on foot another 2 miles until he reached his 4 wheel drive. After he got to his truck, he became stuck in that thick mud. He was trying to push his vehicle out and a farmer came by and pointed a shot gun at him and accused him of letting his animals out of the gate. After much explanation and discussion, the farmer finally relented and then offered to help him get his vehicle out of the mud. He then went on his way. Around eight PM that night he called me and notified me that he was on his way home and had just stopped somewhere near Wendover to get a bite to eat. I knew that he would arrive in about 2 hours. I have driven that road before and knew the distance well. Around 9:30 in the evening, the phone rang, I thought it was my husband calling to say he was almost home. I knew he had had a hard hard day and would be exhausted. But, it was not my husband, it was a paramedic. Oh the thoughts that ran through my mind in that split second before she told me what was going on. She identified herself and explained in a very calm voice that my husband had had a heart attack and had pulled off the road trying to make it into town. She told me where the ambulance was taking him and that they would be expecting me. Every thought ran through my mind at that exact moment in time. I thought about how I would have to call all of my boys and tell them about their dad. I just couldn't comprehend living without him. We had been married for over 32 years. What would my grandchildren do without their grandpa? I composed myself and called my youngest son who still lives with us and told him to come home now! I explained the situation to him and he was home in less than 5 minutes. I tried to stay calm as we drove from our home more than twenty minutes away to the hospital where he was taken. It seemed like forever, almost like we were in slow motion and everything was moving so much slower than normal. I did not run one light or stop sign and did not even break the speed limit which was driving my son crazy as he had asked me several times if he could drive. He's a speed demon!!! I declined as I had to be in control. We were almost to the hospital and a nurse called and said that my husband was taken to CT for scans and indicated that he would not be in the ER, so not to worry. We arrived five minutes later and he was back from CT. As we walked in to the ER, there were strips of EKG tabs all over the floor along with empty packages many items they had used on my husband. He had the heart monitors attached to his chest and the IV's in his arm and was bare chested, as they had cut his shirt off of him in the ambulance. He was laying in the bed with his feet hanging off the end covered in mud. He still had his boots on. My husband proceeded to explain what was going on with him and how everything came about.
He was driving home and just past the airport he became weak with intense chest pain and could not breathe and unable to lift his left arm. Classic symptoms of a heart attack. He pulled off the freeway and exited trying to make it to the nearest hospital but could not as the pain was so intense. He pulled into a gas station and called 911. The ambulance was there in less than five minutes, which could have saved his life. His heart rate was up over 170 and it was like he was going explode. They cut off his clothes and proceeded to take him to the nearest hospital. My husband cursed at them and told them not to take him to that other (name withheld)hospital and to take him to another hospital, which is where I work. They complied.
Evidenlty, he was in pretty bad shape when they brought him in. They thought he had had a pulmonary embolism or a heart attck. The signs were so classic and very bad. They tested him for everything and they treated him accordingly. They took such good care of him.
The outcome:
He did not have a heart attack or an embolism but a combination of high blood pressure and dehydration and lack of potassium and stress put his heart into an irregular heart rate. His heart is and will be just fine.
It was a pretty scary night and we are just very thankful that he is ok to stick around for a few more years to enjoy his family. Were taking life one day at a time.
I am very thankful that he is ok!
My husband left for work at 4 am to drive to Elko Nevada where there were problems with one of his commuter trains. The train was stuck out in the middle of nowhere and there were passengers on the train that needed immediate assistance. My husband, being the on call, drove from our home to somehwere in the desert by Elko Nevada. He tried to drive through the desert to get to the diabled train with not much luck. So, he walked in over 2 miles in and out and through the muddy terrain. It had been snowing that spring day and so the ground was thick with mud which made every step more difficult. He made it in to the disabled train and took care of the crew and the passengers. He then had to trek back out on foot another 2 miles until he reached his 4 wheel drive. After he got to his truck, he became stuck in that thick mud. He was trying to push his vehicle out and a farmer came by and pointed a shot gun at him and accused him of letting his animals out of the gate. After much explanation and discussion, the farmer finally relented and then offered to help him get his vehicle out of the mud. He then went on his way. Around eight PM that night he called me and notified me that he was on his way home and had just stopped somewhere near Wendover to get a bite to eat. I knew that he would arrive in about 2 hours. I have driven that road before and knew the distance well. Around 9:30 in the evening, the phone rang, I thought it was my husband calling to say he was almost home. I knew he had had a hard hard day and would be exhausted. But, it was not my husband, it was a paramedic. Oh the thoughts that ran through my mind in that split second before she told me what was going on. She identified herself and explained in a very calm voice that my husband had had a heart attack and had pulled off the road trying to make it into town. She told me where the ambulance was taking him and that they would be expecting me. Every thought ran through my mind at that exact moment in time. I thought about how I would have to call all of my boys and tell them about their dad. I just couldn't comprehend living without him. We had been married for over 32 years. What would my grandchildren do without their grandpa? I composed myself and called my youngest son who still lives with us and told him to come home now! I explained the situation to him and he was home in less than 5 minutes. I tried to stay calm as we drove from our home more than twenty minutes away to the hospital where he was taken. It seemed like forever, almost like we were in slow motion and everything was moving so much slower than normal. I did not run one light or stop sign and did not even break the speed limit which was driving my son crazy as he had asked me several times if he could drive. He's a speed demon!!! I declined as I had to be in control. We were almost to the hospital and a nurse called and said that my husband was taken to CT for scans and indicated that he would not be in the ER, so not to worry. We arrived five minutes later and he was back from CT. As we walked in to the ER, there were strips of EKG tabs all over the floor along with empty packages many items they had used on my husband. He had the heart monitors attached to his chest and the IV's in his arm and was bare chested, as they had cut his shirt off of him in the ambulance. He was laying in the bed with his feet hanging off the end covered in mud. He still had his boots on. My husband proceeded to explain what was going on with him and how everything came about.
He was driving home and just past the airport he became weak with intense chest pain and could not breathe and unable to lift his left arm. Classic symptoms of a heart attack. He pulled off the freeway and exited trying to make it to the nearest hospital but could not as the pain was so intense. He pulled into a gas station and called 911. The ambulance was there in less than five minutes, which could have saved his life. His heart rate was up over 170 and it was like he was going explode. They cut off his clothes and proceeded to take him to the nearest hospital. My husband cursed at them and told them not to take him to that other (name withheld)hospital and to take him to another hospital, which is where I work. They complied.
Evidenlty, he was in pretty bad shape when they brought him in. They thought he had had a pulmonary embolism or a heart attck. The signs were so classic and very bad. They tested him for everything and they treated him accordingly. They took such good care of him.
The outcome:
He did not have a heart attack or an embolism but a combination of high blood pressure and dehydration and lack of potassium and stress put his heart into an irregular heart rate. His heart is and will be just fine.
It was a pretty scary night and we are just very thankful that he is ok to stick around for a few more years to enjoy his family. Were taking life one day at a time.
I am very thankful that he is ok!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
If I could cruise every day, I would. I often tease my husband and tell him that I am saving up all the money in our 401K to pay for cruising when I retire in ten years. He's not on board with that plan yet, but I'm working on it.
I went with all of my grown children and grand children this winter to the Caribbean. It wasn't a long cruise but did we sure have a great time. The waters are so calming and beautiful. As you sail through the night just watching the water and feeling the summer breeze blow across your face. What a wonderful way to enjoy the family.
We made some really great memories that will last a lifetime. My oldest son recently told me that he was so glad that we taught him that the monetary things in life were not so important and that the most important things we can have are the memories we share with one another.
Boy was he right!
I'm planning the next cruise for Spring 2012. We have around 25 friends and family going. What a party this will be.
I went with all of my grown children and grand children this winter to the Caribbean. It wasn't a long cruise but did we sure have a great time. The waters are so calming and beautiful. As you sail through the night just watching the water and feeling the summer breeze blow across your face. What a wonderful way to enjoy the family.
We made some really great memories that will last a lifetime. My oldest son recently told me that he was so glad that we taught him that the monetary things in life were not so important and that the most important things we can have are the memories we share with one another.
Boy was he right!
I'm planning the next cruise for Spring 2012. We have around 25 friends and family going. What a party this will be.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Nieces and Nephews
I had an aunt that took great interest in me specifically. Each time I would visit her when traveling on summer breaks with my family, she would spend time just with me, getting to know me and my likes and dislikes. We built a pretty great relationship. She has since passed away, but I still remember her kindness and love everyday adn the impact she had on my life. She taught me that no matter what the age, everyone is important and should be noticed and acknowledged.
Since she made such an impact on me at such a young age, I decided to emulate her and carry on the example that she set for me.
Remember to take the time to share your life with your neices and nephews. Take interest in what is happening in their world. Give em a shout out or even a hug once in a while.
You never know how you might change their lives.
Since she made such an impact on me at such a young age, I decided to emulate her and carry on the example that she set for me.
Remember to take the time to share your life with your neices and nephews. Take interest in what is happening in their world. Give em a shout out or even a hug once in a while.
You never know how you might change their lives.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The great flood
One Saturday afternoon I was in the kitchen on the telephone talking to a friend. This was the old fashion phone connected to the wall. Suddenly my 15 year old son ran in the house and started yelling mom mom mom come outside and see whats happening. I thought he was just trying to get my attention as kids often do when there parents are on the phone. I ignored him and he ran in again and yelled for me to come out and see what was going on. Again I ignored him until he grabbed my arm and said it was urgent. I ended my call and went calmly outside and looked in the driveway where my car was parked and the windows were rolled down as it was a very hot summer day.
Then I suddenly noticed that my 4 year old son was standing next to the passenger car window with a hose draped over it. The hose was facing inside the front seat of the car.........Oh Yeah....I hurried up and turned off the water and told my son he better get out of my sight or I will murder him. I was so mad, I knew if I started the anger, I would beat the living h___ out of him.
I went over to the car and opened the door, well you know...it was if Moses parted the red sea and it was all over. The water was just flowing from from the opening. Gallons of it! My other boys stood there in shock that I stayed so calm, I really wasn't that calm inside, but I knew if I let it out, I would explode.
It took weeks to get the car dry again. Every time I stepped on the peddles (gas or accelerator) a gush of water would come out.
Well, this really did happen, I mean, I did not explode with anger or beat my child or spank him or even yell at him severely. I just told him to get away from me or they would need to come and arrest me.
We can take control of our emotions during the worst situations, when we need it the most.
I knew from that day forward, I could withstand anything that came my way, good or bad! Well, so far it's played out. I have not committed any felonies yet and my children are all grown up and they are all doing fine. I do however, have a few grey hairs from each of them!
I guess it's all working out ok!!
Then I suddenly noticed that my 4 year old son was standing next to the passenger car window with a hose draped over it. The hose was facing inside the front seat of the car.........Oh Yeah....I hurried up and turned off the water and told my son he better get out of my sight or I will murder him. I was so mad, I knew if I started the anger, I would beat the living h___ out of him.
I went over to the car and opened the door, well you know...it was if Moses parted the red sea and it was all over. The water was just flowing from from the opening. Gallons of it! My other boys stood there in shock that I stayed so calm, I really wasn't that calm inside, but I knew if I let it out, I would explode.
It took weeks to get the car dry again. Every time I stepped on the peddles (gas or accelerator) a gush of water would come out.
Well, this really did happen, I mean, I did not explode with anger or beat my child or spank him or even yell at him severely. I just told him to get away from me or they would need to come and arrest me.
We can take control of our emotions during the worst situations, when we need it the most.
I knew from that day forward, I could withstand anything that came my way, good or bad! Well, so far it's played out. I have not committed any felonies yet and my children are all grown up and they are all doing fine. I do however, have a few grey hairs from each of them!
I guess it's all working out ok!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
An evening of Talk
My oldest son is very much to himself in most respects. He talks when he is ready and not a minute before. The other evening I called him for a brief phone call to discuss travel arrangements for my 8 year old grandson to come visit during the summer. I thought this would be a very short conversation as I had a very long couple of days and was totally spent. Well you guessed it, my son wanted to talk and talk and talk, and were still at it after two plus hours.
During the call my youngest son had come in the room and was very excited about his day and struck up a side conversation with his father. We were both on the call (speaker phone). Then my middle son called in to talk while were were still on the call with our oldest son. I thought to myself, this never happens. All three of my boys needed us for something important right then and there.
This seems like such a small thing to some, but to me it shows that we are never finished being parents. When our children grow up, they learn life's lessons and mature through the harsh reality of life. They are forever trying to figure things out on their own and trying hard to make it without any or with very little help from mom and dad.
Every now and then they do need us and little bit!
I am just grateful that they are comfortable enough with us to just talk about life issues that affect them and their families. We are truly blessed that we have such a great relationship with each one of them, that they will come to us in times of need or excitement or to just talk. My hope is that they can each build this kind of relationship with their own children so they can experience the same closeness that I feel with them.
I love my boys.
During the call my youngest son had come in the room and was very excited about his day and struck up a side conversation with his father. We were both on the call (speaker phone). Then my middle son called in to talk while were were still on the call with our oldest son. I thought to myself, this never happens. All three of my boys needed us for something important right then and there.
This seems like such a small thing to some, but to me it shows that we are never finished being parents. When our children grow up, they learn life's lessons and mature through the harsh reality of life. They are forever trying to figure things out on their own and trying hard to make it without any or with very little help from mom and dad.
Every now and then they do need us and little bit!
I am just grateful that they are comfortable enough with us to just talk about life issues that affect them and their families. We are truly blessed that we have such a great relationship with each one of them, that they will come to us in times of need or excitement or to just talk. My hope is that they can each build this kind of relationship with their own children so they can experience the same closeness that I feel with them.
I love my boys.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Retirement. Hey, I am just saying............
What do you think about working.
Well, I have had this great idea since I was younger, I think we should all be able to play and have fun as if we were retired until we turn the age of 40. Then at age 40, we would all be required to work until we die. The reason behind this is that we could all enjoy life to the fullest when our bodies are able to do so. We don't really have that great of work skills when were younger anyway and don't have the drive to work to our full potential. We would be able to enjoy life to the fullest at a younger age.
When you hit the ripe old middle age of 40, you would be required to go to work and work until your days are over. Let's face it, we don't have that much to do anyway when were over 40. We spend all of our income helping our children survive and we like to work when were middle aged. Mentally you would be ready to work and you could do a great job because you are older, wiser and more mature. You are more dependable at this age and usually have a great work ethic. Most of us have better communication skills and are able to think thing through much better than we did when we were younger.
What do you think? It's really too late for me because I am over 40 but how about the next generations?
Hey, I am just saying...........
Well, I have had this great idea since I was younger, I think we should all be able to play and have fun as if we were retired until we turn the age of 40. Then at age 40, we would all be required to work until we die. The reason behind this is that we could all enjoy life to the fullest when our bodies are able to do so. We don't really have that great of work skills when were younger anyway and don't have the drive to work to our full potential. We would be able to enjoy life to the fullest at a younger age.
When you hit the ripe old middle age of 40, you would be required to go to work and work until your days are over. Let's face it, we don't have that much to do anyway when were over 40. We spend all of our income helping our children survive and we like to work when were middle aged. Mentally you would be ready to work and you could do a great job because you are older, wiser and more mature. You are more dependable at this age and usually have a great work ethic. Most of us have better communication skills and are able to think thing through much better than we did when we were younger.
What do you think? It's really too late for me because I am over 40 but how about the next generations?
Hey, I am just saying...........
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What do you do on the weekends? Do you sleep in or get up early to hit the best bargains at your local garage sales? Do you go out to a mid morning breakfast or pack up the family for a fun day out? Are you out the door looking for the nearest coffee shop or getting dressed up for Sunday worship services?
When I was growing up, we would sleep in a little, get our chores done and then I loved to watch the sports shows on TV while my dad read the paper and drank his morning cup of coffee. My mom would always make us a hot breakfast to start our day. We were not tied to the house doing chores or projects for too long, as my parents allowed us to go and play with friends or go to a movie or swimming or just hang out around the house, It was a fun and relaxing time in my childhood, with not much stress at all. Sundays at my house were for real relaxation and reading the Sunday paper and especially the funnies was always something we looked forward to or as we called it, our lazy day.
My husband on the other hand, was required to get up early and start his daily chores right after breakfast. His family worked around the house all day Saturday until late afternoon and sometimes into the evening. Friends were rarely part of the equation on Saturdays. When Sunday mornings came around, his family would get all cleaned up and go off to church. After church, a big family dinner was prepared and served. Saturdays were work days and Sundays were the Sabbath and no work was ever performed on Sundays. My husband dreaded Saturdays as they rarely were able to hang out with friends and play.
After marrying, we decided to split the difference in how we would spend our weekends. We would sleep in a little bit past our normal weekday time and then would get the house cleaned up by around noon and then everyone was allowed to spend time doing their favorite activities. Sometimes these activities would be within the family and some outside of the family, but we let the children have some freedom. After all, they worked hard all week at school and deserved a break too.. On Sundays we would also take our children to church and have a nice family dinner afterward. Then off to visit relatives or friends after dinner was the norm at our home. We loved going to see cousins so the children could play and have a good time and the adults could enjoy the day visiting and catching up.
Since the children are grown, my husband and I typically go out to breakfast on Saturday morning and then head back home for just a few chores (we have a part time housekeeper) and I head off to go shopping and run errands and I might get a pedicure and such, with my husband at home watching his favorite sports programs. We usually like to catch a movie or two each week if we have time. We love to go to movies to unwind and get away from it all. On Sundays, we visit our elderly parents and grandparents and take care of their needs, and we try to get to church when we can. Sunday's are kind of a low key day for us, filled with relaxation and laziness trying to take away some of the stresses of the work week. It usually works well for us.
What ever way you choose to spend your weekends, remember to enjoy your time with your family and friends. Don't let the time pass you by without adding a few pleasant lazy days in the mix.
When I was growing up, we would sleep in a little, get our chores done and then I loved to watch the sports shows on TV while my dad read the paper and drank his morning cup of coffee. My mom would always make us a hot breakfast to start our day. We were not tied to the house doing chores or projects for too long, as my parents allowed us to go and play with friends or go to a movie or swimming or just hang out around the house, It was a fun and relaxing time in my childhood, with not much stress at all. Sundays at my house were for real relaxation and reading the Sunday paper and especially the funnies was always something we looked forward to or as we called it, our lazy day.
My husband on the other hand, was required to get up early and start his daily chores right after breakfast. His family worked around the house all day Saturday until late afternoon and sometimes into the evening. Friends were rarely part of the equation on Saturdays. When Sunday mornings came around, his family would get all cleaned up and go off to church. After church, a big family dinner was prepared and served. Saturdays were work days and Sundays were the Sabbath and no work was ever performed on Sundays. My husband dreaded Saturdays as they rarely were able to hang out with friends and play.
After marrying, we decided to split the difference in how we would spend our weekends. We would sleep in a little bit past our normal weekday time and then would get the house cleaned up by around noon and then everyone was allowed to spend time doing their favorite activities. Sometimes these activities would be within the family and some outside of the family, but we let the children have some freedom. After all, they worked hard all week at school and deserved a break too.. On Sundays we would also take our children to church and have a nice family dinner afterward. Then off to visit relatives or friends after dinner was the norm at our home. We loved going to see cousins so the children could play and have a good time and the adults could enjoy the day visiting and catching up.
Since the children are grown, my husband and I typically go out to breakfast on Saturday morning and then head back home for just a few chores (we have a part time housekeeper) and I head off to go shopping and run errands and I might get a pedicure and such, with my husband at home watching his favorite sports programs. We usually like to catch a movie or two each week if we have time. We love to go to movies to unwind and get away from it all. On Sundays, we visit our elderly parents and grandparents and take care of their needs, and we try to get to church when we can. Sunday's are kind of a low key day for us, filled with relaxation and laziness trying to take away some of the stresses of the work week. It usually works well for us.
What ever way you choose to spend your weekends, remember to enjoy your time with your family and friends. Don't let the time pass you by without adding a few pleasant lazy days in the mix.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My grandma
I recently lost the most incredible woman in my life. My grandmother passed away last month at the young age of 94. She was the ultimate hostess whenever anyone came to her home, cooking, cleaning, preparing for the guests for days in advance. And did I mention, she worked full time too! My grandmother would bake cookies, pies, cakes and make homemade ice cream, as well as making fresh salads and slaw at every meal. Her cooking was to die for. She made homemade pickles that were the most delicious pickles I have ever eaten. She choose her cucumbers in the summer and packed and soaked them in a crock and special brine for weeks, then canned the pickles and stored them for aging.
The little black book
My grandmother had a little black book filled with information about her guests that she kept from the time she was first married until about three years ago. She would list who came to visit her home, when they visited, their birthdays and listed each persons favorite main dishes and desserts. She would also keep track of her visitors dislikes and would never think of serving them to you when you were at her home. If she knew that you were going to visit, she would have all your favorites ready and waiting. Even if you were stuffed after dinner, you had to have one of her homemade desserts of chocolate cake, apple pie or cookies and ice cream.
Following her example
I have tried to emulate her qualities when I have out of town guests or any company visiting my home. If someone took the time out of their busy schedule to come and visit me, then the least I could do is make them feel at home.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The men in my life are very interesting people to say the least. Each one is unique in his own right.
Each one of my boys have a great sense of humor which has been passed down from their father. The ability to deal with serious issues and still keep your sense of humor is such a fantastic trait. I know that is what attracted me to my husband in the beginning. During times of stress or sadness, there were my boys and husband pulling the funny out of nowhere.
My oldest grandson passed away at a tender age of 6 months old, which was a great tragedy in our lives. Although the time was tragic, and we all still carry the loss, my boys used humor to relieve their own pain and to help those who were grieving to get through the minutes, hours and days. Many looked at this humor as a sign of disrespect of the passing, but to our family, it was the way we dealt with loss.
Some days when the house is so quiet, I long for the laughter that was once there. Listening to them recite the memorized lines of old TV sitcoms and movies, or old family mishaps are treasures for sure. I look forward to the family get togethers so my home can come alive with the laughter
We have gotten through a whole lot of tough times thanks to the men in my life and their sense of humor.
Each one of my boys have a great sense of humor which has been passed down from their father. The ability to deal with serious issues and still keep your sense of humor is such a fantastic trait. I know that is what attracted me to my husband in the beginning. During times of stress or sadness, there were my boys and husband pulling the funny out of nowhere.
My oldest grandson passed away at a tender age of 6 months old, which was a great tragedy in our lives. Although the time was tragic, and we all still carry the loss, my boys used humor to relieve their own pain and to help those who were grieving to get through the minutes, hours and days. Many looked at this humor as a sign of disrespect of the passing, but to our family, it was the way we dealt with loss.
Some days when the house is so quiet, I long for the laughter that was once there. Listening to them recite the memorized lines of old TV sitcoms and movies, or old family mishaps are treasures for sure. I look forward to the family get togethers so my home can come alive with the laughter
We have gotten through a whole lot of tough times thanks to the men in my life and their sense of humor.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's all good!
Ok, today is the beginning of my new blog. I'm not an expert at writing or an expert on marriage or family, but feel that I can share my thoughts with you on what has been successful for us over the years.
I have been married to a teriffic man for over 32 years and have 3 wonderful sons and 4 grandsons and two daughter in laws who are just the greatest. My first married daughter in law and I have been sucked into this world of testosterone for way to many years and I now have another one to help even us out! Well almost! I am sure there will still be the male domination that there has always been in our homes. Don't get me wrong, they (the males) are not at all in control.
Everything revolves around the guy stuff and sports and sports and sports. I've attended one gymnastic tournament in 20 years but hundreds of basketball and soccer and football events, not to mention the car shows. I do have to admit, I get my nails and pedi's done regularly.
My home is decorated in destruction proof furniture and lamps. I wish I had a nickle for every lamp my boys have broken over the years. I just learned to buy less expensive lamps when decorating, knowing that the end would be near. My grandsons are no exception, they are as loud and rough as any. They are all boy!
Although they can rumble with the best of em, my boys have heart. My sons are good men with great souls, they are honorable and ethical. Something that is rare in this world today. All because of their father and his example. It's all good...
I have been married to a teriffic man for over 32 years and have 3 wonderful sons and 4 grandsons and two daughter in laws who are just the greatest. My first married daughter in law and I have been sucked into this world of testosterone for way to many years and I now have another one to help even us out! Well almost! I am sure there will still be the male domination that there has always been in our homes. Don't get me wrong, they (the males) are not at all in control.
Everything revolves around the guy stuff and sports and sports and sports. I've attended one gymnastic tournament in 20 years but hundreds of basketball and soccer and football events, not to mention the car shows. I do have to admit, I get my nails and pedi's done regularly.
My home is decorated in destruction proof furniture and lamps. I wish I had a nickle for every lamp my boys have broken over the years. I just learned to buy less expensive lamps when decorating, knowing that the end would be near. My grandsons are no exception, they are as loud and rough as any. They are all boy!
Although they can rumble with the best of em, my boys have heart. My sons are good men with great souls, they are honorable and ethical. Something that is rare in this world today. All because of their father and his example. It's all good...
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